Cat Quotes…

Cat Quotes

I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior.

~ Hippolyte Taine

A cat is a lion in a jungle of small bushes.

~ Indian Saying

Ignorant people think it is the noise which fighting cats make that is so aggravating but it ain’t so

~ it is the sickening grammar that they use.

Cats are the ultimate narcissists. You can tell this by all the time they spend on personal grooming. Dogs aren’t like this. A dog’s idea of personal grooming is to roll in a dead fish.

~ James Gorman

You can not look at a sleeping cat and feel tense.

~ Jane Pauley

Way down deep we are all motivated by the same urges, cats have the courage to live by them.

~ Jim Davis

Actually, cats do this to protect you from gnomes who come and steal your breath while you sleep.

~ John Dobbin

Even overweight, cats instinctively know the cardinal rule: when fat, arrange yourself in slim poses.

~ John Weitz

Cats are rather delicate creatures and they are subject to a lot of ailments, but I never heard of one who suffered from insomnia.

~ Joseph Wood Crutch

There is no more intrepid explorer than a kitten.

~ Jules Champfleury

The ideal of calm exists in a sitting cat.

~ Jules Reynard

I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through.

~ Jules Verne

You may own a cat, but cannot govern one.

~ Kate Sanborn

The reason cats climb is so that they can look down on almost every other animal…its also the reason they hate birds.

~ KC Buffington

The smallest feline is a masterpiece.

~ Leonardo da Vinci

Cats are glorious creatures ~ who must on no accounts be underestimated… Their eyes are fathomless depths of cat-world mysteries.

~ Lesley Anne Ivory (from Glorious Cats, The Paintings of Lesley Anne Ivory)

Cats never strike a pose that isn’t photogenic.

~ Lillian Jackson Braun

If the pull of the outside world is strong, there is also a pull towards the human. The cat may disappear on its own errands, but sooner or later, it returns once again for a little while, to greet us with its own type of love. Independent as they are, cats find more than pleasure in our company.

~ Lloyd Alexander

Essentially, you do not so much teach your cat as bribe him.

~ Lynn Hollyn

Of all God’s creatures there is only one that cannot be made the slave of the lash. That one is the cat


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